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Hearing and Speech Sciences

Understanding How African English-Speaking Children Use Inflectional Verb Morphology In Sentence Processing And Word Learning

Dissertation Defense

Abstract: TBA

Temporal Processing in Adults who Stutter

Honors Thesis Defense

On the level dependency of across-frequency binaural interference

Undergraduate Honors Thesis Defense

Hear from three graduate audiology students presenting their capstone project posters! Posters include Developing Diverse Stimulus Set for Emotion Recognition: A Validation Study by Marjan Davoodian (HESP), The Effect of Aging on the Electrically Evoked Auditory Brainstem Response by Alessandra Vidal (HESP), and Correcting for Interaural Place-of-Stimulation Mismatch in Bilateral Cochlear-Implant Users: Evaluating Programming Strategies to Maximize Binaural Hearing by Danielle Zukerman Schopf (HESP).

Language and Location: The Role of Non-linguistic Context Cues in Word Learning

Honors Thesis Defense: Following the Conversation: Impacts of Set-Shifting and Topic-Shifting in Healthy Adults and Individuals with Traumatic Brain Injury

How does being deaf (or knowing sign language) change perception?

Honors Thesis Defense: Perspectives on non-mainstream dialect, particularly African American English and how they communicate these perspectives to their children

Honors Thesis Defense: On the Level of Dependency of Across-Frequency Binaural Interference

Abstract TBA


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